Multitude Monday - Feb. 8

Whew...another week. I really have to get on here more than once/week. I will now I think b/c:

26. I'm thankful for a job. A small, not "putting anyone through college" kinda job, but a job nonetheless. With pay, with a company I adore, doing something I'm good at, on my own time, in my own home.
27. I'm thankful for the ways God reminds me (see #26) that I'm valuable. Yes, to him. But also, in general, to other people.
28. I'm thankful for the ways he distracts me and gives me places to serve.
29. I'm thankful for my friendships today - there are a few in particular that have always been good...but are slowly starting to deepen and have the potential to get Great. I'm always thankful when God shows up in my friendships.
30. I'm thankful for my daughter. I adore her. At times I just have to shake my head because the things that drive me crazy about her - I can totally see myself doing at her age. She's ME, in a big, big way. Today she "babysat" her brothers for the first time. I knew she'd do great - she's the most responsible, mature kid her age that I know. To say I'm proud of her is a huge understatement. To say that I'm blown away by the privilege of having her is a bigger one.
31. I'm thankful for my parents. They're in Mexico. On missions. Unless you know me well, you have no idea what a shocker that is. If you had told me 20 years ago...sheesh, even a couple of years ago, that my parents would be on missions in Mexico together I would have laughed out loud. Wow. Mom & Dad, I'm so proud of you both and in awe of where you've come together.
32. I'm thankful for scrapbooking. Not just the memory album part of it but the whole hobby/craft thing itself. It's been my therapy; my creative outlet; my sanity. It's allowed me to minister in different places that I never would have been invited, and to talk to people I'd never have anything else in common with. I know I seem obsessed to some people. And maybe sometimes it takes on that bent - I confess. BUT, it's a part of who I am. I'm a crafty person (not crafty-sneaky) but I never felt so "at home" as when I did my first scrapbook page. This is a part of who I am. One reason I that when something hits me square in the face: a scripture, a quote, a song lyric, etc....and I'm convicted, or encouraged, or challenged in my core - the first thing I want to do is scrap it. On a card, on a tag, on a page with a photo of me, something to make it permanently stuck in my head. I think this year I'm going to allow myself to do more of that....scrapbooking stuff for the sake the art - but with the underlying purpose of preserving those thoughts that remind me of God, his love his provision.

This layout was in Scrapbook Magazine (UK) over winter. The photo was taken by Lynette - that girl is my camera-wielding heroine. I stared at this photo awhile before scrapping it and could think of nothing else except this verse so....that's the journaling for the page. I don't love winter, or snow, but somehow the beauty of it makes me wanna sing :)

And this is a mirror (sorry for the poor's hard to take a picture of a mirror). Our church had an "art gallery" a couple of years ago for those in the church who make art that's not necessarily a visible ministry in the church (teaching/preaching/singing, etc) but who use their gifts for God nonetheless. Making this piece was therapeutic for me - recognizing that every time I look into a mirror, I should be hearing God tell me I'm beautiful to him. This mirror still hangs in the prayer room at my church.

33. I'm thankful that I can use the word "nonetheless" twice in one blog post (now, 3x actually) and there's nothing you can do about it :)