I'm learning to paint with watercolours!

I'm spending my Christmas money this year on art supplies because I'm curious about all the mixed media stuff out there and I wanna try!! So, today I'm taking a class on watercolour paint techniques. My first question for Kate, from Scrapbook News and Review is which of these brushes are my best bet. I figure....it probably doesn't make that much difference since this is my first time but I might as well start right if I happen to already have the right brush in my arsenal. If not....I might need to spend a little more of that Christmas money LOL. I'll be back tomorrow to show you a few of my first attempts! Wish me luck.


beautyinallthings said...

Taking a watercolour course is on my bucket list. I am so jealous!

Honeymoon registry said...

How I wish I have the same talent.