My beautiful yard :(

This is what my front yard looks like AS WE SPEAK. I came home from work to this today. Earlier in summer our "curb stop" pipe had a leak (rusted right through). Sadly, the leak was about 1" onto our side of the junction so guess who had to pay for the digging up of my finally-the-way-I-like-it front yard. US. That's who. So now this fall, every once and awhile there'd be water in the front yard again around the pile of dirt slowly settling back down from summer-trauma (it still looked like we buried someone/something there). Today, they dug it up again and replaced the "new" pipe from summer which had a hole in it and from my understanding, replaced the City's side of the pipe as well just for safe measures. I have water again. And no leak. But I have a disastrous mess on my front yard - mud everywhere and a raking job that I am not very excited about - anyone know an ameteur landscaper who'd like a challenge??

On the up side: It's November 24th today - one month till Christmas EVE and our grass (the parts that aren't under mud) is still green-ish.....and there's no snow and I carried my jacket home from school today b/c it's 6 degrees outside today - unbelievable.


Maria said...

That's pretty brutal!