The Amazing Hand of God

OK, I have to share this. My friend Lynette inspires me constantly. She's open and honest and truly searching to be God's woman. Her blog is full of moments in her day that God has spoken to her, answered prayers, and most of all, beauty that she sees in everything around her. This past week, she got a new camera (Canon S5). I'm a little jealous b/c this is the camera DH & I have been wanting...but the jealousy is far out-weighed by the awe I have for what she's been able to capture with a new camera. Check out this snowflake she captured on her black mitten. Isn't that amazing? Unique and perfect. I'm in awe of how my God puts the details into the tiniest, almost unseen things. Lynette's right when she asks, how much more care and detail must he pour into our lives. Check out her other pictures and her inspiration here: Beauty Everywhere. (thanks for letting me share your pictures with others Lynette!)


Cherry Blossom said...

Thanks Cathy, you are a great friend.