More and more Joy!

Simple Joy 116:  New haircut.  

Simple Joy 117:  Produce/grocery shopping day.  Not my favourite event (the shopping) but definitely LOVE fruit!

Simple Joy 118: Time to make cards!!

Simple Joy 119:  Snow, after a week of hot.  Hmm.  Not sure it's completely joy I feel but I do trust a good God who only gives good gifts, so somewhere this must be a path to Joy.

Simple Joy 120: Leftover Easter chocolate :)  Oh yeah....who saved theirs?  ME!

Simple Joy 121: SlapWatch.  How fun are these things :)

Simple Joy 122:  Voting day!  I don't follow politics as much as some but I am still very glad to live in a country where we have this freedom.  I took the boys with me this year to show them the process.

Simple Joy 123:  I love these 2 verses that I got from Ann Voskamp's book - her Mom had them written on cards during a tough time in her life and they're definitely going on cards for this time in my life.
Isaiah 14: 24
 Amos 3:6

Simple Joy 124: After reading those verses from Ann's book, I really needed my own...and after following the links in my Bible to related verses, God gave me this one at 4:00 in the morning.

Haggai  2: 6-9


thekolbes said...

I LOVE it. Are you liking it? I always hate my hair after a new style.........L
krazykcrafters at msn dot com