See them here: Clear Scraps Top Load albums and keep reading for another of my own examples (I had some time to scrap a little last weekend!!)
And since it's Good Friday - it seemed like the perfect day to reflect on a few more things that have brought me Joy this month.
Simple Joy 98: A nailpolish station set up at the Ladies Retreat I attended......I've needed a Spring Pedicure for a long time already and finally got my chance! Thanks Cheryl.
Simple Joy 99: The 3 roommates that I spent this weekend with. I love you guys - you were just what I needed.
Simple Joy 100: Communion. Best communion ever, I think. You know how sometimes it feels like all you have time for is little tiny nibbles of what God might have for you (like the little cracker and teeny glass of juice we usually get for communion in church?). Well this morning we had 1/2 of a tumbler full of juice and a large chunk of fresh bread. The symbolism of having an entire mouthful of bread and not being able to take all the juice in in one swallow was powerful for me...I want MORE moments when I have almost more of God than I can comprehend at one time - big gulps, a mouthful of his goodness, instead of just a nibble here and there.
Simple Joy 101: Not that I'm glad it has snowed AGAIN....but who can deny how beautiful this is.
Simple Joy 102: Seriously? This is where you slept last night? You crack me up, kitty.
Simple Joy 103: Sushi. Homemade sushi with fresh avacado and cream cheese. Yum.
Simple Joy 104: A spring-cleaned garage. I still want to find some old kitchen cabinets to hide the clutter of what I do need to keep in here but I do love the purge process and getting it swept out for summer.
Simple Joy 105: A day to do some scrapbooking. This is one of the new 12x12 Acrylic Top-Load albums from Clear Scraps. Funnest thing ever :)
Simple Joy 106: I love seeing Artwork up in a store, knowing that I can do something like it and I won't have to pay $60 for it. I took this picture of 2 canvases that I am going to try to use as inspiration for a painted canvas for my bathroom.....I'll let you know how it turns out.
Simple Joy 107: Easter program at church. Mica's outgrown this age-group but the boys are both singing in this choir.
Simple Joy 108: This young man is enjoying his Tim's after his Junior High Orientation evening. He's so excited about both :)
Simple Joy 109: Can you even guess what this is?
It's the windshield of my van, inside the automatic car wash. There is something very joy-full I think about sitting, listening to music and having a job done for you by robots. I think I would fit in well in the Jetson's world.
Simple Joy 110: My laptop, on my bed. Since we don't have cable or satellite right now, I've been using it to watch the TV shows that I love....and way too many of them. So, for a 10-day stretch, I'm going to use it only to blog, email and work. No TV. I'm hoping this fast will help me catch up on some sleep I've been missing and some Bible Reading I've been procrastinating on.
Simple Joy 111: I actually labeled this one Profound Joy 111. I woke the kids up this morning with "happy Maunday Thursday" and since they didn't know what that was...we had to look it up. It is the Thursday of the Holy Week (week before Easter) and it's significance is the celebration of the Last Supper (before Jesus was crucified). When we read that on Wikipedia.....Egan's first response was, "We should have communion at supper tonight." How can I pass up on an opportunity like that??? Of course we should, and we did. Grape juice, a ripped apart fresh bun, and a really meaningful talk and prayer with the 4 of us.
Simple Joy 112: A lovely day for a drive to Morden, and some great pictures of the flooded areas that we had to drive past. I got a kick out of this sign: Road Closed, Local Traffic Only. As if there was a road that even local traffic could go on. I know this water will recede very was fun to go see it while it was cresting.
Happy Easter weekend!
He is Risen!
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