Design much for my New Years' resolutions now that I'm cruisin' here...I have to tell you what an amazing December this has been. One of the top things on my list of "THINGS TO DO IN 2007" was to try to get onto a Design team of some sort. And in the past 3 weeks or so, I've gotten onto 4!!!!! Can you believe it? I can't. Really, I can't. I still go to these websites many times during the day to check if my name's still on the list. And the coolio (borrowing a word, Sarah) thing is that all 4 DTs are different so they complement each other very well I think and this is going to be an exciting year for me!!

Let me tell you about them a little:
Scrappy Giraffe is a kit site with the most BEAUTIFUL stuff. Wow. I won a contest there in summer and got 3 kits as my prize (Aug., Sept. & Oct.) and MAN, those kits are full of GOODNESS. (I'm not trying to's just sooooo yummy there I can't not type in caps, kwim?) My position on the SGK DT is actually the DT assistant. Not sure exactly what that entails but I love Kat (the owner) and trust that she's got some huge greatness in store for me, and the whole amazingly talented team. Check them out!!

PaperDillies is another kit club but they specialize in Mini-Albums which are one of my Fav things to do....these kits all include an album of some sort and you can order them in 6x6 or 8x8 sizes depending on your preference....or, starting in the new year, there'll be 12x12 kits too for those who don't do mini-albums but love the product. I'm so excited to be on this team too - their kits are COOL and I loooooooove the mini-album world!!

Apron Strings Designs is the third kit club I'm a part of. And these guys have 2 great things going! They have Big kits and small kits and Card kits - a huge selection with something for everyone. My position is on the Card kit team - I'm a Card Sous Chef. CARDS! Can you believe it? They're my passion!!!! I applied for both of their positions (LOs and Cards) and I just have to say that this one worked out perfectly. This could not be a better fit for me!! Can't wait to get started.

Scrapbook Magazine has asked me to send in the paperwork to be on their DT too! I just had my first 2 LOs picked up by them a few weeks ago and in the process of emailing back and forth with the editor, she asked if I'd like to do some work for this column they have in their magazine called Four Way Challenge. They send product to different people and see what you make with it - use whatever pics I want, whatever extra embellishments I want....just as long as I use the product they send me in my project. She said that by doing this I'd be on their DT list for future projects and articles. might be not much work?? Or it might be lots?? Not sure yet but I'm really excited to be involved in a magazine in any capacity!!

So, thanks for letting me share all that.
Check out these sites guys. The kits are awesome - there's something for everyone. Tell them Cathy sent you. CathySAHM in case they don't know who you're talking about.


Erica said...

YOU ARE ON FIRE GIRL!!!!! Your super talented though, so thhey all would have been fools to pass you up :)

Maria B said...

Sounds like you're in for a busy (and fun!) year! :-)

Jessica said...

Cathy, love your blog, and congrats on all the goodness that is happening for you right now, you totally deserve it!

me said...

WOW!!!! Yay you're a blogger too baby!!!! Can't wait to work with you hon and on 2!!!!!!

La Tonya said...

Congratulations Cathy! I love the new blog, it's awesome...and way to go with the 4 DT's. You are one hot chick:)

Tam, I am said...

Cathy, I am so excited for you. 4 DT's, you are going to be one busy lady! I can't wait to see your work! Congrats! I am so glad you jumped on the blogging wagon!

kat said...

I'm so excited to play with you this year!!! we are going to have a heck of a time!