Tomorrow's Good Friday.
First something light and then a real story for you from me...
Tomorrow's going to be a great Good Friday 'cause right after having Golden Grahams for breakfast (does Trev know what I like, or what??), I'm leaving the kids home here with him and I'm going to Maria's for some coffee...some scrapbooking....maybe a chickflick?? Oh man, I've been looking forward to this all week long.
And on a serious-er note. I'm a Christian and Good Friday is really important to me, in that, this is the day we remember Christ died for us and paid the debt we owed for sin and opened things up so we could have a relationship with God. And I've heard it since I was a baby I'm sure, and I know it all but it doesn't always hit home, you know....I kinda take it for granted. But a couple years ago we were in church around Easter/Good Friday and we took communion as a family. We walked to the front of the church and ate the crackers and then while we were drinking this grape juice and singing something about His blood...I got this picture in my mind of the blood of Christ pouring over me - and sensation, kinda like standing in a waterfall, being was the shortest, but coolest sensation and it really made me think about what a privilege it is to be covered like that - to have access to the God of the Universe and to have the ability, by confessing and accepting his forgiveness, to have my sins completely wiped away - clean, forgotten, never to be brought up again. Hmmm....there is something to be said for 'seeing it again, for the first time.'
God bless!
Happy Easter weekend!!
Spring Break
We had the laziest, most relaxing Spring Break ever. We did nothing. Well, almost nothing. Saw some friends, played a lot of Wii (rented Wario Smooth Moves) and I got a ton of scrapbooking done. I also almost finished up the Wedding Invitations I'm making for a friend of a friend. At the end of the week though we took one night to spend at the Holiday Inn in Wpg. Swam, ate at Tony Roma's, swam some more, saw a movie (Meet The Robinson's) and did a little shopping. E-Z. And Fun. Here are the pics from the pool.