's been way to long since I've posted here. I knew this would happen.
So here's my latest thing - and I'm posting here publically so that you'll keep me accountable.
Our church is talking Lent these days. We, traditionally, don't do much with Lent but there's a lot to be said for taking something out of your life for awhile to make you stop and think about the Easter season and what's been done for you.
Anyway....I thought about giving up coffee but realized, I'm not addicted or anything - it's purely a social thing for me and I probably wouldn't even miss it. So....what would be a good thing for me to give up?
I'm already starting to get into a habit of waking up at 6:30am to read my Bible and do devos and God & I have this understanding so far that if I do it, He'll let the dog, and therefore, the children, sleep in. Seems to be working. The thing is....6:30am is not my best time of the day. So, for Lent....that's what I'm giving BEST time of the day. Usually that means around 8:45 - 9:15 or so. The babysitting kids are playing, the school kids are off to school and I'm sitting down with coffee or breakfast in peace & quiet. Normally I fill this time up with news, or internet, or email, or scrapbooking....but for Lent, I'm going to FIRST spend some time praying or re-reading what I read through squinty sleep-encrusted eyes 2 hours earlier. That's it. My time.
Hi Kathy,
My sister in-law Lynette gave me your blog address, She mentioned you are on some design teams- I have been doing scrapbooking for about three years. I would really like to know how you got on those teams- thats something I would really like to do. I was also wondering about the materials you recieve and don't use- could I buy them off you as packages? I know you are having a garage sale on friday- but after that I would be interested in buy ALL your extra materials off you. Let me know if this interests you. My email is
Lena Toews
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